Elementa. Intersections between philosophy, epistemology and empirical perspective (2022). Vol. 1-2
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First Section: Editorial I - Transitions: New and Different Perspectives. Tommaso Sgarro - The Human "Historicity" as a Permanent Transition in the Philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría, Tommaso Sgarro - François Jullien: The Double Transit of Human Life, Luis Roca Jusmet - The Event, beyond the Permanent Crisis, Jordi Riba Miralles - For an Epistemology of Transition: Paul B. Preciado, Psychoanalysis and the Regime of Sexual Difference, Alessia Franco - Second Section: Editorial II - Governing Transitions, Tommaso Sgarro - Becoming Support Teachers at the University of Foggia During the Pandemic. An Exploratory Survey, Pierpaolo Limone, Maria Grazia Simone - Music: For a Sustainable Community and the Promotion of Well-being, Francesca Finestrone - Educating for Transition in Work Contexts, Gennaro Balzano, Vito Balzano - The Future We Want: The Transition to Adulthood of Unaccompanied Minors, Giuseppina Maria Patrizia Surace.