Maieutic facilitation. The socratic path for unleashing everyone's full potential and unlocking collective brilliance
Prezzo online: € 16,00
La Traccia Buona
p. 456
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At the heart of every group lies the potential to achieve extraordinary results, but often this opportunity remains unexplored due to dysfunctional dynamics and lack of guidance. This book sets the ambitious goal of changing the way we conceive of and participate in groups, which is the key to unlocking the potential of every meeting, workshop or community. "Maieutic Facilitation" is much more than a simple introduction to facilitation: through a combination of solid theory and practical tools, and with an avowed inspiration from the millennia-old Socratic art of asking questions, Fabrizio Faraco offers a comprehensive path that allows the reader to become operational immediately. The pages are infused with a passion for the art of facilitation and the author shares personal experiences and success stories that demonstrate how facilitation is not just a skill, but a philosophy that can be easily applied to any social or professional context. A guide that prepares readers to become transformational leaders, adept at channeling people's energy towards common goals, with a depth that will change the way we see the world. It is not just a book, but a call to revolution in facilitation.