Nessun account trovato. Riprova.

Orari Negozio:


: 15.30-19.30



Orari Negozio

Lunedi': 15.30-19.30
Martedi'-Sabato 09.00-12.30/15.30-19.30

Schizoaffective Disorder

di Teder Natali

  • Prezzo online:  € 12,00
  • ISBN: 9791220150101
  • Editore: Europa Edizioni [collana: Draw Spaces]
  • Genere: Famiglia, Salute E Self Help
  • Dettagli: p. 40
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


Throughout the poems, the author navigates the rough waters of the schizoaffective disorder with raw honesty and profound insight, beginning with the bewildering onset of symptoms and ending with the arduous quest for healing. It's hard to act, very hard not to react. I can hear you in my head. Are you really the voice of the dead? How am I supposed to act like I'm fine, when I want to drink the whole bottle of wine? You distract me in public and make me act weird. You are the reason people around me disappeared! It's hard to act normally when you exist and everyone around me is pissed.
