eBAU. Art Dreams for the New European Bauhaus. Ediz. illustrata
Prezzo online: € 22,00
Quodlibet [collana: Libri D'artista]
p. 128
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eBAU is a collection of thoughts and ideas on what a New European Bauhaus could be. Not an essay, not an administrative document, not a plea, nor a manifesto. Simply a series of suggestions morphing into fleeting visions, sudden vistas break- ing through the fog of daily life. What can art mean for the European Bauhaus? What can artists bring to the idea of a new school that invents a new aesthetics, green and sustainable and equal, for a better world? Artist Roberto Paci Daḷ shares his thoughts in drawings and texts. An artist's book, a light collection of insights and incitements fluttering out of the page, to point to other realities that are ours to invent.