Bedtime Stories. Vol. 2
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p. 54
Disponibile su prenotazione.
First of all, writing Bedtime Stories II was fun and time fulfilling. I owed it to friends and I also owed it to the students, parents, teachers, principals, and all those who had already appreciated Bedtime Stories I. I would like to thank all of these people for their precious support and inspiration. I would also like to thank their wonderful pets, very special creatures, from whom there is always something to learn, including a message of unconditional love and respect. Especially in recent times, I have had the feeling that we need more stories to tell and to be told to, in order to make this world into a better one. There is still too much hate and too much violence in schools, in the homes and in the wars going on globally.As a parent, a former school teacher and a former principal, I have always felt the need to communicate meaningfully and to compare ideas with the younger generations. We cannot leave them alone in this world and we should be able to set good examples. A focus on emotional intelligence through these stories, I trust, could be particularly useful. As Prof. Mariano Morretta stated at the book presentation of Bedtime Stories I.