Post-global anthropology and other adventures. Writings in honour of Antonio Luigi Palmisano. Ediz. italiana, inglese, francese e tedesca
Prezzo online: € 35,00
I Libri Di Emil [collana: Universitariae]
Antropologia E Sociologia
p. 564
Non Disponibile
Spese di spedizione: 3,49 €
The title of this collection is Post-global anthropology and other adventures: post-global anthropology could perhaps be interpreted as an art constituted by "other adventures" and/or "other's adventures", all constructed not only during their occurrence but also, and perhaps primarily, during their being told, narrated, said, through the different forms of mythos and logos. Post-global anthropology is an art, it is "an anthropology of social and political engagement, of openness to the 'world of life', attentive to global ideological traps (development, evolution, liberalism...), based on anthropological research, and not on other research - years of fieldwork! -, unwilling, never willing, to be reduced to tekhne, able therefore to produce theory and reflection, combining academia and the world of life, determined to reopen the door to epistemological reflection and to cultivate doubt, even to open the way for theory". Anthropological research is a joint construction of subjects, a dialogical coconstruction of the world, ethical and political action. As a non-anthropologist I wonder what fieldwork represent or is, if not a commitment to life and world itself? As for Heidegger the philosopher is the one who knows nostalgia, (for philosophy is nostalgia!), isn't the anthropologist, in his fieldwork, predisposed to nostalgia? Aren't philosophers and anthropologists called to a wondering, a questioning, in every part and at every moment of their lives on this earth, eternally "homeland-less" and elsewhere with respect to a Whole they do not know but for which they feel nostalgia?