Advanced Spacecraft Dynamics
Prezzo online: € 35,00
Edizioni Efesto [collana: Circuli Dimensio]
Scienza E Tecnologia
p. 384
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This volume aims at providing the interested reader with advanced capabilities in (i) modeling and simulating the attitude dynamics of spacecraft equipped with wheels, damping subsystems, and composed of multiple rigid bodies, through the Newton/Euler formulation and Kane's method; (ii) designing and simulating attitude slewing and tracking maneuvers, while including actuation modeling (through the use of momentum exchange devices); (iii) describing and simulating finite-thrust orbit transfers and orbit maintenance maneuvers, using either feedback or optimal control; (iv) modeling and simulating the spacecraft dynamics during atmospheric entry, while identifying and evaluating the major thermal and dynamical stresses; (v) understanding and employing some fundamental concepts and principles useful for satellite constellation design.