Houses of life. Synagogues and cemeteries in Italy
Prezzo online: € 30,00
Sagep [collana: Sagep Cataloghi]
Architettura E Urbanistica
p. 200
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"Houes of life. Synagogues and cemeteries in Italy", curated by Andrea Morpurgo and Amedeo Spagnoletto, is a journey to discover the sacred places and their evolution in two thousand years of history of Italian Judaism. The architecture of synagogues and cemeteries embraces a multiplicity of implications and meanings: it reveals the complex relationship between a minority and a majority in Italian society; it tells the progressive construction of the sense of community, the moments of everyday life and the rites of passage that mark the cycle of life and stimulates debates still open on the existence or otherwise of a "Jewish" architecture. The volume is enriched with numerous contributions, starting from the first archaeological evidence up to the present day, demonstrate how synagogues and cemeteries have always been essential spaces for the definition of Jewish identity.