Mathematical analysis 2. Ediz. MyLab. Con espansione online
Prezzo online: € 50,00
Pearson [collana: Matematica]
Educazione / Didattica
p. 442
Disponibile su prenotazione.
«This volume completes the introduction to Mathematical Analysis that began with the book Mathematical Analysis I, also published by Pearson, to which we shall refer to as Volume 1. In many universities, the topics addressed in this text are part of a second lecture course on Mathematical Analysis. The choice of contents and of the way these are presented in those classes varies a lot and is much more flexible compared to a first Analysis course, the lattei typically being mostly devoted to functions in one real variable. For this reason we strived to offer a wide selection of topics, although we know that the student credits conferred to such a course can certainly not account for everything that is present here. To facilitate the text's flexible employ, on the one hand we tried to loosen up the subject matter's sequence, and on the other we reviewed a few topics already present in Volume 1.»