English for philosophy
Prezzo online: € 15,90
Libreriauniversitaria.it [collana: Studi E Progetti Di Ricerca]
Educazione / Didattica
p. 188
Disponibile su prenotazione.
English for Philosophy provides a comprehensive exploration of the history of British philosophy tracing its development from medieval times to the twentieth century. The book aims to equip students with the knowledge and the skills that they need through activities and clear, comprehensive coverage that consolidate understanding and develops key skills to ensure progression. It is made up of seven modules which in turn cover the ideas of leading British philosophers through the ages. Each module features reading, writing and speaking activities designed to make the course relevant and motivating as well as extracts from major philosophical essays. English for Philosophy serves as an ideal textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students studying courses on Philosophy, as part of degrees in History and Philosophy.