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Orari Negozio:


: 15.30-19.30



Orari Negozio

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Fashioning submission. Documentin fashion, taste and identity in WWII Italy trough «Bellezza» magazine

di Vacirca Silvia

  • Prezzo online:  € 20,00
  • ISBN: 9788869774218
  • Editore: Mimesis International [collana: History]
  • Genere: Storia
  • Dettagli: p. 224
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


Unlike in the United Kingdom and France, where fashion during the Second World War is extensively debated, in Italy it is an under researched topic, and the behind-the-scenes history of the fashion magazine "Bellezza" - the Italian "Vogue" -, launched in 1941, has never been submitted to scholarly attention; even though its utopian function in defining a new culture of fashion and code of glamour contributed to the totalitarian project of building a "new Italian woman". The current volume aspires to fill this gap, using the case of "Bellezza" as a kaleidoscope for looking through Italian history and culture, drawing on new primary sources and extraordinary iconography.
