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Orari Negozio

Lunedi': 15.30-19.30
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The book of the dead. The Papyrus of Ani

di Budge E.a. Wallis

  • Prezzo online:  € 16,00
  • ISBN: 9791281154063
  • Editore: Harmakis
  • Genere: Religioni
  • Dettagli: p. 268
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


"The Egyptian Book of the Dead" is a sacred text. It consists of a collection of magical and religious formulas that were to serve the deceased to protect him and help him on his journey to the afterlife, which was thought fraught with pitfalls and difficulties. Called by the ancient Egyptians book back in the day, the Book of the Dead is basically a collection of sayings, epitaphs, formulas that date back to the ancient sarcophagi Texts, which in turn dates back to the Pyramid Texts. Prior used for the "common" graves, if they are extensive excerpts in the antechambers of many tombs of the Valley of the Kings of the Ramesside period. It is, generally, of formulas and stories focused on the nocturnal journey of the sun god (in its various manifestations) and his struggle with the forces of evil (including the snake Apophis) that attempt, at night, to stop him for not doing resurrect in the morning. In particular, the text was intended to prepare the testimony about the conduct of life, that the deceased had to provide before the judgment of Osiris. With Additions to the Texts of Leonardo Paolo Lovari.
