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Orari Negozio:


: 15.30-19.30



Orari Negozio

Lunedi': 15.30-19.30
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Woman today. Comparative sociological-juridical research on gender inequality

Woman today. Comparative sociological-juridical research on gender inequality

di Petricone Francesco

  • Prezzo online:  € 26,00
  • ISBN: 9788869774058
  • Editore: Mimesis International [collana: Sociology]
  • Genere: Saggistica
  • Dettagli: p. 302
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


Research on gender inequality uses limited and sectoral areas as a reference. A team of scholars, academics and researchers from fourteen different countries - Cuba, Haiti, India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Tunisia, United States and Venezuela - bring out instead in a synchronous and transversal way the gender discrimination for women's experiences at work, in family, for education. Results show that in the varied landscape of countries considered over 50 percent believe it is still difficult to be a woman in their own country today. Only one third of respondents believe women's policies in their country are right and less than the majority believe there's a possibility of having support to balance and reconcile family and work. At the same time, the tragedy of domestic violence - worsened in the Covid period - crosses borders and refers to that culture of machismo that still characterizes gender inequality. Why? For the atavistic presumption of superiority of one sex over the other so difficult to eradicate from culture, education and stereotypes still existing today. On the contrary, certainty is rather that "donnons le monde aux femmes, elles en feront un paradis!" ("Give the world to women, they will make it a paradise"), as an interviewee from Haiti wrote.
