Alice's adventures in Wonderland
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Intra [collana: Il Disoriente. Serie Fantascienza Fantasy Avventura]
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p. 121
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One of the most popular works of English-language fiction- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, widely beloved British children's book by Lewis Carroll, was published in 1865. With its fantastical tales and riddles, it became one of the most popular works of English-language fiction. Lewis Carroll's real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898). He was born at Daresbury in Cheshire and he studied at Christ Church, Oxford University and later became a mathematics lecturer there. He wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass (1872) for the daughters of the Dean of Christ Church. He was very fond of puzzles and some readers have found mathematical jokes and codes hidden in his Alice books. Il Disoriente - Science Fiction Fantasy Adventure A paperback and e-book series published by Intra. Global readability, Italian charm.