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: 15.30-19.30



Orari Negozio

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The IOT design decK. Co-design method for connected products. Con schede compilabili. Con Carte

di Dibitonto Massimiliano, Tazzi Federica, Leszczynska Katarzyna

  • Prezzo online:  € 45,00
  • ISBN: 9788885622715
  • Editore: Eurilink [collana: Studi Di Comunicazione Digitale]
  • Genere: Design E Moda
  • Dettagli: p. 120
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


The ioT Design Deck is a method for the co-design of the User experience of omnichannel services and connected products. The rise of the technological paradigm of the internet of Things (ioT), changes the relationship between humans and digital technologies. nowadays digital contents and services are embedded in the everyday life and smart cities, smart homes, wearable computers display how the future will look like. Designing human-centered products and services rise new challenges for designers and require multidisciplinary skills. Designers should have a good understanding of the enabling technologies and should cooperate with other professionals like technologists, data scientists, and experts of different domains. The ioT Design Deck method mixes well-known co-design techniques with an original system of cards, boards and fill-in-the-blanks schemas useful to get inspired, get some quick tips about opportunities and threats of new technologies, prototyping and testing the ideas. The main strengths of the method are: create a common language and knowledge base to help multidisciplinary teams working together; focus on UX factors rather than on technological ones; discover and use the ioT potential and take into account its threats; develop a service-oriented approach rather than a device centric one; accelerate the design process.
