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Orari Negozio

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Dog show handling. The ins and outs. Ediz. illustrata

di Tureen Anne

  • Prezzo online:  € 41,00
  • ISBN: 9788896635766
  • Editore: Crepaldi [collana: Tecnologia Canina]
  • Genere: Natura E Animali
  • Dettagli: p. 260
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


The ins and outs of Handling offers a concentrated tour of the Handling world. Voices of handlers from Europe and the USA, some famous, some not, will share with you how they came into Handling, what they found there and what advice they wouldgive you. A chapter explores basic concepts of how to rear a showdog and techniques to start Handling that dog yourself. This is an entertaining text full of anecdotes and nuggets of wisdom, inspiring handlers both green and seasoned to be their best. With contributions of handlers: Bo Bengtson, Laura Sabadini, Francesca Simola, Mia Ejerstadt, Juraj Sockolic, The Hangstroms, Richard Hellman, Bill Shelton, Donna Hills, Gabriel Rangel, Peter Green, Anne-Christine Christ, Tony Barker and Rudi Baldi.
