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Orari Negozio:


: 15.30-19.30



Orari Negozio

Lunedi': 15.30-19.30
Martedi'-Sabato 09.00-12.30/15.30-19.30

Cantina Antinori. Cronistoria della costruzione di un nuovo paesaggio. Ediz. inglese

di Andreini Laura

Non Disponibile
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


In this wonderful edition, updated with a section about the different steps of winemaking and the history of Sangiovese, the book explains the Antinori winery project, located in the extraordinary hilly landscape covered by vineyards of Chianti, halfway between Florence and Siena. The customer wanted a building which enhanced the surrounding landscape and territory and bore witness to the cultural and social valence of the places where wine is made. The conceptual theme of the project has taken the form of a shell that is wholly below ground, without roofs, walls, streets and parking spaces, according to a design which attempts a difficult but necessary reconcilement between the natural and the artificial. It is precisely the story of this constant research, of the indispensable connection between architecture and landscape, which represents the fulcrum on which the whole volume pivots. Hundreds of photographs have immortalized years of work on the building site, telling the story of all the phases that have made it possible to realize this extraordinary project. The images, along with numerous technical drawings on every scale, critical and descriptive texts, illustrate the design process which has led to the construction of a new landscape.
