Culture in traduzione: un paradigma per l'Europa-Culture in translation: a paradigm for Europe
Prezzo online: € 16,00
Mimesis [collana: Studi Italiani]
p. 145
Disponibile su prenotazione.
This bilingual volume, with the participation of scholars from five different countries (Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, France), brings together contributions from a wide range of disciplines in order to discuss and explore relevant issues of translation theory and problems of translation practice from the point of view of the European plurilingualism. The focus is on translation as transcultural practice, as a way in which cultures enrich themselves and experience other cultures as well as their own limits of expressivity. Our volume, therefore, proposes the analysis of translation from different perspectives in order to grasp better its complex nature aiming to shed light on the importance of translation and plurilingualism in a rapidly changing world. By doing so we hope to offer some valuable insights into (and beyond) European cultural diversity as it is to be understood as a community of cultures in translation.