CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) through english in italian higher education
Prezzo online: € 27,00
Led Edizioni Universitarie [collana: Lingue E Culture]
p. 144
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This is a research study monograph into an approach known as Content and Language Integrated Learning or CLIL through English in Italian higher education. The research design comprises both quantitative and qualitative elements. A questionnaire survey of all Italian universities profiled the many courses delivered using English as the vehicular language, and found some homogeneity in process and subjects, but differences linked to private or public funding and to geographical area. A survey of students (n=134) was designed and administered to obtain their evaluation of a list of techniques used by lecturers to help students understand lectures delivered through English. Respondents recognised and considered as useful most of the categories. The qualitative part involved observing, recording, transcribing, and analysing lectures delivered through English by four university science lecturers. Results confirm the validity of some input presentation strategies and show similarities and differences between student and lecturer perceptions. The data also show discrepancies between the strategies considered useful by the lecturers and those actually used in the classes.